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 Sujet du message: VDS/VSO belgian tapes
 Message Posté: 02 Fév 2012 09:47 
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Inscription: 02 Fév 2012 09:36
Messages: 2
Hey guys,

I just noticed this Forum and database and it seems nice...
i'm a regular memeber on cinehound, pre-cert and the dutch cinema-extreme (so sadly my french isn't any good, although living in Belgium ;))

But okay, I'm collecting the belgian VDS/VSO tapes for a long time now (checke my page on cinehound: ... c=5397&hl=)

and I noticed quite a few tapes that I don't have on your database...
so I was wondering if I can get some scans of the sleeves or if I can buy those tapes from anyone?

this is the list for now...
these ones I have ;)

8401 Pacific Banana
8405 2019 Apres le chute de new york
8406 2019 After the fall of new york
8408 Best of Laurel & Hardy (not a must have :))
8414 Rush
8417 A Blade in the Dark
8419 Blastfighter
8421 Rats of manhatten
8427 Revolte au penitencier de filles/emanuelle in prison/blade violent

8502 Devilfish/Le monstre de l'ocean rouge
8505 C.H.U.D.
8506 Les nuits chaudes de Cleopatre/The Erotic Dreams of Cleopatra
8515 Amazonia - La jungle blanche
8515 Red heat
8516 Les jeux de la mort (fatal games)
8521 Force 3
8523 Schizophrenia - De psychopaat
8524 Atomic Cyborg
8526 City Limits
8531 Women in fury
8532 Roma, l'empire des sens (Roma, l'antica chiave dei sensi)
8533 De troetelbeertjes (on Oscar video)

8602 The forest slave
8603 De Geketende/ La Gabbia
8620 Sky pirates - De avonturen van Dakota Harris
8622 Lucker the necrophagous

8701 Stranded in dinosaurus valley
8702 Scandaleuse Gilda/Schandalige gilda
8704 Tex en de heerser over de abysses
8705 Les Dernieres Neiges De Printemps - The Last Snow Of Springtime
8706 Mijn lieve pony/My little pony
8707 You never Die Twice/ Opdracht op leven en dood
8708 Mascara
8710 Minipouss
8716 Le mystere de la jungle noire/ Het geheim der wildernis (I misteri della giungla nera)
8718 Neon Maniacs
8721 Joey supernatural
8727 Love pains
8729 The Lamp (the outing)
8731 Body Count (Camping del terrore)

8901 To kill a priest

???? Re-animator (since there is a belgian VDS film poster?)
???? Rabbit in the Pit
???? Amazon Jail/femmes au cages (Curral de mulheres)
???? Le lion de Saint Marc
???? Les Reptiles/ de slangen (Rattlers)
???? Les bresiliennes du bois de boulogne
???? Central park driver (Graveyard shift)
???? Il etait une fois le diable: Devil's Story
???? Rien ne sert de mourir (Zuijia paidang zhi qianli jiu chaipo)
???? le fils de spartacus (Il figlio di spartacus)
???? Shocking Asia II
???? Le clan des Calabrais (Il trucido e lo sbirro)
???? de troetelbeertjes part 1 :P

does anyone know any other titles/numbers, can supply scans or the tapes itself?
I prefer VHS or betamax, but for a bargain I also buy video2000 VDS tapes ;)
It would be awesome if anyone can help me with it...

thanx alot

 Sujet du message: Re: VDS/VSO belgian tapes
 Message Posté: 03 Fév 2012 15:32 
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Inscription: 19 Déc 2008 11:06
Messages: 658
Localisation: Vanves
Joos a écrit:
does anyone know any other titles/numbers, can supply scans or the tapes itself?

Hi Jo!

You know you can now view the full-size scans by clicking on them... if you don't mind the "VHSdb" tag of course!

Good luck on your VDS/VSO quest!


 Sujet du message: Re: VDS/VSO belgian tapes
 Message Posté: 04 Fév 2012 19:27 
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Inscription: 29 Mar 2009 12:05
Messages: 170
Welcome here Jo ;) (I'm Nicolas/lurker) from Cinehound)
I hope that you'll find those beutifull VDS tapes that you're looking for !

 Sujet du message: Re: VDS/VSO belgian tapes
 Message Posté: 08 Déc 2016 00:47 
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Inscription: 15 Avr 2012 20:01
Messages: 1
Joos a écrit:
Hey guys,

I just noticed this Forum and database and it seems nice...
i'm a regular memeber on cinehound, pre-cert and the dutch cinema-extreme (so sadly my french isn't any good, although living in Belgium ;))

But okay, I'm collecting the belgian VDS/VSO tapes for a long time now (checke my page on cinehound: ... c=5397&hl=)

and I noticed quite a few tapes that I don't have on your database...
so I was wondering if I can get some scans of the sleeves or if I can buy those tapes from anyone?

this is the list for now...
these ones I have ;)

8401 Pacific Banana
8405 2019 Apres le chute de new york
8406 2019 After the fall of new york
8408 Best of Laurel & Hardy (not a must have :))
8414 Rush
8417 A Blade in the Dark
8419 Blastfighter
8421 Rats of manhatten
8427 Revolte au penitencier de filles/emanuelle in prison/blade violent

8502 Devilfish/Le monstre de l'ocean rouge
8505 C.H.U.D.
8506 Les nuits chaudes de Cleopatre/The Erotic Dreams of Cleopatra
8515 Amazonia - La jungle blanche
8515 Red heat
8516 Les jeux de la mort (fatal games)
8521 Force 3
8523 Schizophrenia - De psychopaat
8524 Atomic Cyborg
8526 City Limits
8531 Women in fury
8532 Roma, l'empire des sens (Roma, l'antica chiave dei sensi)
8533 De troetelbeertjes (on Oscar video)

8602 The forest slave
8603 De Geketende/ La Gabbia
8620 Sky pirates - De avonturen van Dakota Harris
8622 Lucker the necrophagous

8701 Stranded in dinosaurus valley
8702 Scandaleuse Gilda/Schandalige gilda
8704 Tex en de heerser over de abysses
8705 Les Dernieres Neiges De Printemps - The Last Snow Of Springtime
8706 Mijn lieve pony/My little pony
8707 You never Die Twice/ Opdracht op leven en dood
8708 Mascara
8710 Minipouss
8716 Le mystere de la jungle noire/ Het geheim der wildernis (I misteri della giungla nera)
8718 Neon Maniacs
8721 Joey supernatural
8727 Love pains
8729 The Lamp (the outing)
8731 Body Count (Camping del terrore)

8901 To kill a priest

???? Re-animator (since there is a belgian VDS film poster?)
???? Rabbit in the Pit
???? Amazon Jail/femmes au cages (Curral de mulheres)
???? Le lion de Saint Marc
???? Les Reptiles/ de slangen (Rattlers)
???? Les bresiliennes du bois de boulogne
???? Central park driver (Graveyard shift)
???? Il etait une fois le diable: Devil's Story
???? Rien ne sert de mourir (Zuijia paidang zhi qianli jiu chaipo)
???? le fils de spartacus (Il figlio di spartacus)
???? Shocking Asia II
???? Le clan des Calabrais (Il trucido e lo sbirro)
???? de troetelbeertjes part 1 :P

does anyone know any other titles/numbers, can supply scans or the tapes itself?
I prefer VHS or betamax, but for a bargain I also buy video2000 VDS tapes ;)
It would be awesome if anyone can help me with it...

thanx alot

Hello Joos,

I might be very late, however, feel free to contact me I have lot VDS tapes to offer you.


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