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 Sujet du message: RaroVHS
 Message Posté: 18 Juin 2010 06:42 
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Inscription: 15 Juin 2010 23:06
Messages: 2
Hi, I'm the owner of the blog/database:
I'm a collector of Argentinian VHS (although I have 1 or 2 French releases)

I'm from Argentina. I'm speaking English because I don't speak French.
As I said to the Admin here, you can use the images in my blog as long as you put a link to the blog too.

This is a nice site, I hope it gets better for people who don't speak french in the future.

 Sujet du message: Re: RaroVHS
 Message Posté: 18 Juin 2010 20:59 
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Inscription: 19 Déc 2008 11:06
Messages: 658
Localisation: Vanves
Hi RaroVHS!

Welcome to VHSdb and thank you so much for letting us use the scans from your terrific blog! Don't hesitate to post your questions or requests here : most of us understand English and we can also translate them if necessary ...



 Sujet du message: Re: RaroVHS
 Message Posté: 19 Juin 2010 02:15 
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Inscription: 15 Juin 2010 23:06
Messages: 2
PLEASE if you take the scans from my blog add a link saying that it was taken from there.
There's no mention to the blog in these ones:

Argentinian releases are quite rare and sleeves are not easy to find in the world, so, as it takes a lot of time to scan and upload the sleeves, please don't forget to mention the blog.

I don't care if there's a link to my profile, it's my blog that I care about.

 Sujet du message: Re: RaroVHS
 Message Posté: 19 Juin 2010 09:00 
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Inscription: 19 Déc 2008 09:09
Messages: 650
Localisation: Dijon
PLEASE if you take the scans from my blog add a link saying that it was taken from there.
There's no mention to the blog in these ones:

You are right, I forgot about these ones, I added the link, please apologize

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