Résumé (jaquette) : In the 4th installment of Urusei Yatsura : During a Hawaïian vacation, someone starts swiping the girls swimsuits ; Cherry and Sakura take a hotel's "Full Course From Hell" "Free if you can eat it all" challenge ; Mendou Shutaro, the richest boy in Japan is transferred to Tomobiki High, and causes chaos when he runs for class president ; Lum uses high-tech astrology to decide who is the best match for her: Ataru or Mendou; Benten and her fellow Chinese Gods of Luck have their annual End-of-Winter grudge match against Lum and the Oni; Benten comes back with a few friends to make Lum's life lousy; A mysterious teacher-for-hire arrives at the school, and he's going to clean up the class ; and if you think Lum, Ataru and Mendou are bad, the first meeting of their mothers threatens to plunge the galaxy into war !
Commentaires / précisions : Episodes 13-16 de la saison 1 :