| ____________________ 1976 ____________________
Profession : maître nageur (Lifeguard) aka : Profession : maître nageur (FRA)
____________________ 1983 ____________________
L'as de coeur (Stroker Ace) aka : L'as de coeur (FRA)
L'Australienne (All the Rivers Run) aka : Sve rijeke teku I (CRO)
____________________ 1986 ____________________
Double trahison (That Secret Sunday) aka : Double trahison (FRA)
____________________ 1990 ____________________
L'Australienne (All the Rivers Run) aka : Sve rijeke teku II (CRO)
____________________ 1992 ____________________
Bad Instinct (Are You Lonesome Tonight) aka : Bad Instinct (FRA)
____________________ 1994 ____________________
Final Experiment (Official Denial) aka : Final Experiment (FRA)